I’d really like to start this post by saying that I tried very hard to finish this in time with the year in review post for the year of 2016. But, honestly, I didn’t even try. For some reason, finishing the post about the whole year felt much more urgent. But December was a not-half-bad month in the… Continue reading Love for books, mangos and Heavy Metal: December 2016
My Twenty-Sixteen
For many, 2016 (or some events in the year) was devastating, and a trash fire of a year – a year of war, terror, death, violence, loss, power shifts and major political events. (Shout-out to the Me at the beginning at 2016 vs me at the end of 2016–meme. And because good news are good to hear sometimes – here’s the… Continue reading My Twenty-Sixteen
Patches of Light: Helsinki in December
Observations, music, thoughts, musings, written down over the course of eight days in December 2016 while meandering through Helsinki, Finnland. Preamble Still the rush of an intense day and a stressful trip to the airport inside of me (one of those times when you don’t know if you’ll make it in time), I sit back… Continue reading Patches of Light: Helsinki in December
Drinkable Haribo, wise Sloths, and the truth about Quokkas: November 2016
I wrote “I GOT THE VISA, LOL” (it was a very desperate “LOL” though) Too many texts About friendship “Actually, it’s about ethics in software development.” – “… … … !!!” “I have no idea about Christmas markets. Every year, I try to be out of town before that’s a thing again.” “stoptimezones2017.com” I read The email I’d… Continue reading Drinkable Haribo, wise Sloths, and the truth about Quokkas: November 2016
12 Days of Summer – Melbourne in November 2016
Observations, music, thoughts, notes, written down under over the course of 12 days in November & December 2016 while meandering through Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Jetlag, maybe, and something about cloves When abroad, my general rule is: everything that’s within a distance I can walk, I will walk. So I walk to the place I want to… Continue reading 12 Days of Summer – Melbourne in November 2016
On Friendship
For the heart with no companion For the soul without a king For the prima ballerina Who cannot dance to anything — Leonard Cohen It’s a weekday night in very late autumn / early winter (the boundaries are blurred) in Berlin. It’s just past 10pm, the temperature outside is 6°C, and it’s been raining a… Continue reading On Friendship
Spreadsheets are Love: October 2016
I found 50 old photos I’d deemed lost (and almost cry over it). What I was looking for. Yet another website I own (and host) and had completely forgotten about. A new way to make time go by faster. I wrote …some things in an interview with the lovely people of JSConf Australia (including fun… Continue reading Spreadsheets are Love: October 2016
“No cilantro, please” – September 2016
Last night, I spent 8 hours fixing a ton of broken content on this website (which also meant that all my other evening plans fell through). In that process, I stumbled on my old series of “monthly diary with bits and pieces that are usually completely out of context” again – and noticed that a month had… Continue reading “No cilantro, please” – September 2016
It was about time // Copenhagen and Malmö, 2016
Observations, notes, thoughts, music from a short trip to Copenhagen and Malmö in summer 2016. Ramblings written down while hanging out in hotel beds, strolling around, or riding boats and trains; because everything needs to go somewhere. Day 1 It was about time that I left. I almost didn’t go. It was about time and distance.… Continue reading It was about time // Copenhagen and Malmö, 2016
I keep dreaming in English. I keep dreaming of big cities, wide landscapes, hotel rooms full of light, a room in the south, people I once knew. When I wake up, I don’t know where I am. What’s funny is that, most of the times, I can only stand being in the city because of my vivid… Continue reading concrete