Well. It’s really hard to even say anything meaningful about this. I went back and forth on what to write about it and ended up deleting it all. It’s been a year of missing: people, above all, and connection, places, and opportunities. It’s also been among the years of my biggest growth so far, personally… Continue reading Twenty-twenty
Category: berlin
This was quite something. Thinking about it and going over last year’s events, I’m not quite sure how all of it ever fit into one year. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a red couch with a piano nearby while the wind is blowing outside, I just had some tea and mini pizzas, and,… Continue reading Twenty-Eighteen
February 2018
Found What I hadn’t been looking for. 5€ in the street and left them there. Wrote Berlin, Winter (October 2017-February 2018) About my time in Melbourne in Winter 2017 Watched (or saw) The void Belle and Sebastian live Overheard (or said) “You should really get onto teleportation. It helps with so much.” “Another friend just… Continue reading February 2018
Berlin, Winter (October 2017-February 2018)
There’s always this one day in the year when it shifts, the day when all of a sudden, the subway station is warmer than the outdoors again. That’s when you know. This is the fifth month of winter. There’s not enough sun for all the sad people here anymore. We try to stay close to… Continue reading Berlin, Winter (October 2017-February 2018)
Drinkable Haribo, wise Sloths, and the truth about Quokkas: November 2016
I wrote “I GOT THE VISA, LOL” (it was a very desperate “LOL” though) Too many texts About friendship “Actually, it’s about ethics in software development.” – “… … … !!!” “I have no idea about Christmas markets. Every year, I try to be out of town before that’s a thing again.” “stoptimezones2017.com” I read The email I’d… Continue reading Drinkable Haribo, wise Sloths, and the truth about Quokkas: November 2016
“No cilantro, please” – September 2016
Last night, I spent 8 hours fixing a ton of broken content on this website (which also meant that all my other evening plans fell through). In that process, I stumbled on my old series of “monthly diary with bits and pieces that are usually completely out of context” again – and noticed that a month had… Continue reading “No cilantro, please” – September 2016
I keep dreaming in English. I keep dreaming of big cities, wide landscapes, hotel rooms full of light, a room in the south, people I once knew. When I wake up, I don’t know where I am. What’s funny is that, most of the times, I can only stand being in the city because of my vivid… Continue reading concrete
This is not a food blog (but here’s something about Pasta)
I hate cooking, I’m a bad cook, I don’t care about fanciness of my food, and I’m definitely not a foodie (although I enjoy good food when I don’t have to prepare it myself). I usually just cook food that is prepared quickly, eat it so I don’t feel hungry anymore, sigh because I need to… Continue reading This is not a food blog (but here’s something about Pasta)
Achtundneunzig Prozent aller Ladebalken
Ich knete und sehe einem Pizzateig beim Gehen zu. Nachts sitze ich in der Küche, rauche die letzte Zigarette und freue mich über diese Stille mitten in der Stadt. Und dann: Eiswürfel machen. Schweißperlen beobachten. Mit Pizza-Eis-Bauch im Bett liegen und Filme schauen. Im Park liegen und Spinnen von einer Hand auf die andere krabbeln… Continue reading Achtundneunzig Prozent aller Ladebalken
Explizit ist das neue implizit
Nichts mehr sagen. Und stattdesssen: mit G. im Wohnzimmer sitzen, Beat Loops anhören und ihm eine große Karriere im Eurodance-Business versprechen. Eine Choreographie einstudieren und vor Lachen fast vom Sofa fallen. Zu viel Kaffee trinken. Die Katze beneiden, die sich zu einem wollenen Ball zusammengerollt hat. Ein Interview führen. Nach Amerika telefonieren. Singen. Eine Postkarte… Continue reading Explizit ist das neue implizit