
I grew up in a small village somewhere in the countryside, in an area of rivers, hills, small forests, and castles. Scattered all over the region around the small village were even smaller villages, often made up of just one, two, three farms, some of them abandoned for many years already. Many hills around the smaller villages were… Continue reading Bats

March 2017

Now that the server problems are fixed and I secretly snuck the February blog post out in the open (potential oxymoron? Let’s not think about that, maybe), we’re officially back on track with a look back at March. March was the month of added time zone headaches, and an overall interesting month – one of these times when photos are,… Continue reading March 2017

February 2017

Now that it’s April and slightly sunny more than once every two weeks, why not think back to February for a bit? Think back to those dark, dark days in the middle of another seemingly endless Berlin winter? I can reassure you, it wasn’t all that dark though. But publishing didn’t work out earlier. – Originally, I’d… Continue reading February 2017

A brightness, a view, a poem: Porto in Winter 2017

Musings, thoughts, music, notes. Written down over the course of a few days in December 2016 and January 2017, while meandering through Porto, Portugal. Prologue I get home to a freezing cold flat at 9pm. Two hours, some laundry, dinner, a phone call, one unpacked and another packed bag later, I go to bed. Six hours later,… Continue reading A brightness, a view, a poem: Porto in Winter 2017

Having no more dreams, but trash fires, bagels, and questions about dogs and morals: January 2017

Found The BEST dog: Wrote “I’m not sure if it’s a good sign that I recognised this place just from the furniture.” “I know this dog.” Watched (or saw) Two performances I’ll never forget (and both for their very own reasons) A tiny mountain range in ice on a table Rogue One, twice Someone with… Continue reading Having no more dreams, but trash fires, bagels, and questions about dogs and morals: January 2017