This spring, I spent some time looking for a new professional challenge. This search turned out to be much more interesting and intense than I’d expected. Along the way, I learned quite a lot about myself, the broader industry, and how to do hiring well, and wanted to share those learnings with you. — Getting… Continue reading 27 things I learned about hiring in tech from looking for a new engineering management role
Category: being human
February 2018
Found What I hadn’t been looking for. 5€ in the street and left them there. Wrote Berlin, Winter (October 2017-February 2018) About my time in Melbourne in Winter 2017 Watched (or saw) The void Belle and Sebastian live Overheard (or said) “You should really get onto teleportation. It helps with so much.” “Another friend just… Continue reading February 2018
On community
As I’m writing these lines, I’m sitting at Munich Airport. I’m waiting for my flight home after spending the last two days on a pretty spontaneuos trip to Munich for JS Kongress. Despite knowing of the event, I hadn’t even thought about, let alone planned to go, since I wasn’t feeling very well (and even… Continue reading On community
I want to ride my bicycle (actually, I don’t)
My first bike was named Terry. As most of the bikes I’ve had, other people had it before me, and while its name stayed the same (no one ever found out who came up with that name in the first place), every time it was passed on to another kid, it had even more scratches and… Continue reading I want to ride my bicycle (actually, I don’t)
Formlos und frei: Sommer 2011.
Fünftausendzweihundert Kilometer. Berlin – Dresden – Berlin – Köln – Duisburg – Berlin – Hamburg – Ostsee – Berlin – Düsseldorf – Köln – Duisburg – Berlin – Sczecin – Berlin – Stuttgart – Berlin. Sitzen: Irgendwo auf dem Boden. Vor Polizeiwachen. Vor Bahnhöfen. Auf Bierbänken. Auf Parkwiesen. Auf Bäumen. An Stränden. Auf Mauern. Im… Continue reading Formlos und frei: Sommer 2011.