27 things I learned about hiring in tech from looking for a new engineering management role

This spring, I spent some time looking for a new professional challenge. This search turned out to be much more interesting and intense than I’d expected. Along the way, I learned quite a lot about myself, the broader industry, and how to do hiring well, and wanted to share those learnings with you. — Getting… Continue reading 27 things I learned about hiring in tech from looking for a new engineering management role

A brightness, a view, a poem: Porto in Winter 2017

Musings, thoughts, music, notes. Written down over the course of a few days in December 2016 and January 2017, while meandering through Porto, Portugal. Prologue I get home to a freezing cold flat at 9pm. Two hours, some laundry, dinner, a phone call, one unpacked and another packed bag later, I go to bed. Six hours later,… Continue reading A brightness, a view, a poem: Porto in Winter 2017

Having no more dreams, but trash fires, bagels, and questions about dogs and morals: January 2017

Found The BEST dog: Wrote “I’m not sure if it’s a good sign that I recognised this place just from the furniture.” “I know this dog.” Watched (or saw) Two performances I’ll never forget (and both for their very own reasons) A tiny mountain range in ice on a table Rogue One, twice Someone with… Continue reading Having no more dreams, but trash fires, bagels, and questions about dogs and morals: January 2017

Patches of Light: Helsinki in December

Observations, music, thoughts, musings, written down over the course of eight days in December 2016 while meandering through Helsinki, Finnland. Preamble Still the rush of an intense day and a stressful trip to the airport inside of me (one of those times when you don’t know if you’ll make it in time), I sit back… Continue reading Patches of Light: Helsinki in December

12 Days of Summer – Melbourne in November 2016

Observations, music, thoughts, notes, written down under over the course of 12 days in November & December 2016 while meandering through Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Jetlag, maybe, and something about cloves When abroad, my general rule is: everything that’s within a distance I can walk, I will walk. So I walk to the place I want to… Continue reading 12 Days of Summer – Melbourne in November 2016


I’ll be flying to Oslo tomorrow. When I was just packing my bags, I thought of the last time I was there. It was the summer 0f 2003, and we had been doing a camping roundtrip in southern Norway. It was one of the hottest summers Europe had seen so far, with more than 40°C in my home… Continue reading Nrwy

Kübel voll Eiswasser und kein Frühstück: der Februar

Gemacht Keinen Bikini eingepackt Im Schnee versunken Am Lagerfeuer gesessen Nackt durch den Wald gerannt In der Sauna gesessen Huskyschlitten gefahren Im Hot Pot gesessen und Whisky getrunken Ins Eisloch gehüpft Zum ersten Mal nach 5 Jahren ein Konzert gespielt Einen Husky gewonnen Die Menschheit gehasst (und meinen Zahnarzt besonders) In der Küche gesessen und… Continue reading Kübel voll Eiswasser und kein Frühstück: der Februar

Hallo Island, Tag 2: Puderzucker auf Lava, Teddybären klauende Weihnachtsmänner, Wut-Gifs und Wasser von überall

Gemacht Touristenprogramm. Endlich mal Teil einer Bewegung sein! Allerdings einer Bewegung, die sich doch eher … langsam bewegt. Mit der bin ich auf der ersten Station des Tages gleich mal in einem Gewächshaus gelandet, das so bei Nacht (also um 10:30 Uhr morgens) aussieht wie ein UFO. Und das außerdem genauso viel Strom verbraucht wie… Continue reading Hallo Island, Tag 2: Puderzucker auf Lava, Teddybären klauende Weihnachtsmänner, Wut-Gifs und Wasser von überall